July Dancemeditation in Woods Hole

July Dancemeditation in Woods Hole

Join us for a largely self-directed, side-by-side group practice of beautiful Dancemeditation, giving time to your own body and energy ...
Summer Zooms Dancemeditation with Dunya

Summer Zooms Dancemeditation with Dunya

Join me for embodied self-care and inspiration live online, feeling one another's presence and energy in the Present Moment. Simple, rich moving meditations, sinking down inside the self, within Self ...
2024 September Ravenrock Retreat

2024 September Ravenrock Retreat

September 25th - 28th Mark Your calendars! In-person experienced practitioners retreat at Ravenrock, NM. Immersive practice and intimacy with Nature ...
10/20 Dancemeditation, Stoneham MA

10/20 Dancemeditation, Stoneham MA

In-person. Join us for an afternoon of beautiful Dancemeditation followed by tea & conversation ...
Soul Immersion – Dancemeditation™ Retreat with Kryss Statho

Soul Immersion – Dancemeditation™ Retreat with Kryss Statho

Soul Immersion – Dancemeditation™ Retreat with Kryss Statho, Certified Dancemeditation™ Teacher ...
2024 New Year's Retreat on Cape Cod

2024 New Year’s Retreat on Cape Cod

Come experience embodied self-care, healing, and self-connection. Come bask in the beauty of your deepest self and the good company of one another. End of Year retreat with Dunya on the ocean in the heart of Woods Hole, MA on Cape Cod ...