Dancemeditators Describe Their Room

Where do you do your daily practice? What time of day? What do you wear? What do you sit on? What music have you been using? How long have your practice sessions been and how frequent? Iscah Paquin In the last two week I have practices 2-3x a week. I have a dance/meditation room. It [...]

Urban Ritual: Interview with Erin Carlisle Norton

by Dunya Dianne McPherson I walk along Chambers St. in lower Manhattan beside a massive Victorian edifice of pillars and arches to Gibney Dance, a busy warren of dance studios. It hides somewhere here. I’m meeting Erin Carlisle Norton, host of ‘Movers and Shapers; A Dance Podcast’. Erin is doing an impressive project recording life [...]

Meditation & the Constructed Self

Thoughts on meditating—an oxymoron.  Constructed Self I recently came across the term ‘constructed self’ and felt how well it catches the sense of personal identity we all more or less consciously cobble together. Ego, persona, astrological sign, enneagram type, and any other system of human definition can be tossed right in there. We maneuver through […]

Move with Me: Intuitive Flow Week One

Week One: Session Summary
 Part 1: Words of Wisdom: Relaxation and impulsiveness. Read more below. Part 2: Follow Me: Floor Movement. This session we will be lying on the floor. Near the end, you will need a long veil or strap to loop around you foot and gently manipulate your leg’s the range of motion.

‘Move with Me’ Welcome Kit

We are about to enter a lovely time together doing the most precious, evolutionary activity on this earth—cultivating relationship with self, with Self, with body, all that body is, and with the Beauty & Mystery. ___________________________________________________________________ What’s in Your Weekly 20′ Video Session We have 20′ together, enough time to make a big difference in […]

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