‘Move with Me’ Welcome Kit

We are about to enter a lovely time together doing the most precious, evolutionary activity on this earth—cultivating relationship with self, with Self, with body, all that body is, and with the Beauty & Mystery. ___________________________________________________________________ What’s in Your Weekly 20′ Video Session We have 20′ together, enough time to make a big difference in […]

Move with Me ~ Dunya Online in March

Fresh new video sessions—one a week for four weeks in March—of beautiful, deep Dancemeditation for you to do anywhere on your time. I also include valuable support extras to cradle the motion. I have been thinking about this for a long time. How exciting that the time has arrived! I look forward to this new […]

It’s an Inside Job

He’s got that blue collar presentation: sturdy work jacket with ‘Bill’ embroidered on the right chest patch, the clean Saturday jeans, Brooklyn accent, burly body. I’m sitting in a camping chair out in back of Ric’s apartment building under budding trees beside a bayou drinking my tea. I like this spot. I watch skittering squirrels […]

Coming Home: Letter to Kate

I sit in the Pine Grove a bit shocked by all the small purple flowers, tufts of long, tender grass, and feathery, ferny stems springing up from what was a dense, brittle carpet of pine needles when I departed. I am wading in shin-deep greenery! The ground is vaguely springy. The rainy-season has also brought […]

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