It’s an Inside Job

He’s got that blue collar presentation: sturdy work jacket with ‘Bill’ embroidered on the right chest patch, the clean Saturday jeans, Brooklyn accent, burly body. I’m sitting in a camping chair out in back of Ric’s apartment building under budding trees beside a bayou drinking my tea. I like this spot. I watch skittering squirrels […]

Coming Home: Letter to Kate

I sit in the Pine Grove a bit shocked by all the small purple flowers, tufts of long, tender grass, and feathery, ferny stems springing up from what was a dense, brittle carpet of pine needles when I departed. I am wading in shin-deep greenery! The ground is vaguely springy. The rainy-season has also brought […]

Fur on the New Frontier: Letter to Dee

Dearest Dee, Your package with the sheepskin rug arrived safely on Tuesday, or that’s when I went into town to fetch it, and in the nick of time. The past two nights have been cold and the fur kept me toasty. It is also the best, non-electrical heating pad for my sore, over-worked muscles after […]

Do the Not Doing in order to Undo the Overdoing

My fluids resonate with the bay’s fluids and the scent of brine cleans my blood. Three distances hold my view–near, the leafy glade; middle, the bracelet of blue water; and on the far horizon, a spiny sea monster of Outer Green Island–mix their visual melodies in my eyes’ understanding. I’m able to write this because […]

Witnessing Expanded

I lay belly down on the deck of my cabin, rolling my thighs on warming wood, smelling the day. I watched a small brown bird hop from blade to blade in the grass. All of sudden my breath opened deep. I felt my body melt into the wood, and my back absorb the blue sky […]

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